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We need to talk .....why is it this words are the most intimidating words tha man want to hear...

13 years ago | 4778 Views
uyazi yini say what ever you want to say ngingumfazi lami and ngiyayizonda le sentence. Ngiyizondiswa yikuthi to me it sound like ufuna ukungi intimidater. Ungayisebenzisi plz kungabe ukhuluma lengane yakho or worst uma ukhuluma lomunye wakho. Now the question is why are man so scared or should i say why do they get into that defensive mood when they hear this sentence. i could like to here from man what they think about it and why you feel so angry or irritated when your women say it, after all is just a simple sentence nje. akelitsho bafowethu what comes to you mind uma usizwa this sentence. Touch let go.......
0 AntizahSoniaKhums


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