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Uyitholile yini lawe ............................ngitsho yona phela iBonus..............................Now the question is...Ho

13 years ago | 5358 Views
Is always nice to say Thank you to someone and when ever a thank you is given it boast one's ego and pride. Just,...... nje ukwazi ukuba obongiwe angithi. But esikhathini esiningi kuyakuhluphe khonapho ekubongweni, Kungathiwa "thank you" ...emuntwini usuka akhukhumale abengeyinye into, azibone esengcono kakhulu. It doesn't matter how one is told, in words or indeeds... it is human nature, ukuba uzibone usuphezulu and kuphume kuwe muntu ukuba uzincwebe uzilethe phansi futhi. Khona ukubongwa kuhle ngoba kuphakamisa umuntu.
Now were are talking about end of year money that one get, given by company to appreciate you for the whole yaer servic. Well some companie say is not a must some say it is well kuphuma lapho osebenza khona angithi.
How good are you in using that extra cash that you got given is now up to the individual person. 
My friends kubalulekile ukubudgeter and ukwazi ukuba uyeza uJanuary... inyanga engapheliyo hahahah kuyokhala abantu ngiyakutshela. 
Lapho elihamba khona lisiyakukhefu bona ukuba uhamba usubhadalele abantwana amaschool fees, wathenga lezinto zesikholweni ngoba if you don't do that bantu asazi. 
I have head people wanting to take their lifes ngoba sekupresile. Lina eliya emakhaya hamba usubhadele irent, umuntu angahukwa yimali ngoba uyibona sengathi inengi akhohlwe ukuba lezidingo lazo zikhona kujanuary.
Ungezi ishow off ebanganini, ungazami uku impressa abantu ngento engekho. just be wise my friend and dont forget your kids and family ngoba uhole double.
think about it and be wise please.
Never buy that which is not on your budget, please bangane is not about who get it or not....... but is about who use his or her money wisely, no matter how much you have got. Kusizani ukuba nayo leyo bonus ungazi ukuyisebenzisa and ufane naye lomuntu ongayitholanga. 
Bazali appreciate ingane ezipasileyo litsho owell done benu kuzo and kuthi labo abangapassanga pls dont demean kids ngokubi lemipumela emihle but encourage them to try and do best next time. Ngiyabonga mina angazi ukuba ngitshela bani but i had to say this and plz pass it on to that friend or family who is coming off the rail ngemali yebonus...
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