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Thina omama siyofundela kude shuwa yah....

12 years ago | 15751 Views
Asithi ungumama and you find a phone number kufone yomkakho and you feel or let me say that intituation feeling tell you ngumakhwapheni kababa. Now the question is what do you do...dial that number or you ignore it. while you are answering this question now add this to the answer ungafona akutshele ukuba yes ngingumakhwapheni kababa wangakwakho what are you going to do leave him or sit down lobaba and dicsuss the issue or you are that mama oyavele alwe lalocic omfoneleyo and without even wanting her to explain anything zivele zitshe inhlamba ziphuma ngakuwe..usumthukile locic latshelana ngakho konke what next do you do stress and keep quite or you wait for umkakho and the moment engena nje endlini phezulu laye ufuna the other question is what if you dont get no phendulo kubo bobabili what could you do, with that feeling.
Wena baba what could you do if your house wife does that to your makhwapheni or ask you what colud you do wena njengo baba ungena nje endlini imibuzo itsho isiza ngakuwe..........phenbdulani sizwe bakithi.....
6 AntizahSoniaKhums


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Anonymous user 12 years
As a man ngiyaphika, ngihle ngidinge omunye omutsha and make sure we don't use amafoni siyabe sibesifonelana kumapublic phone kuphela
Anonymous user 12 years
Take the blue pill
Anonymous user 12 years
ngihle ngimdonse ngedlebe owami
Anonymous user 12 years
ungazihluphi ngo kuvulana lephone kababa.yekela vele.
Anonymous user 12 years
A woman should then accept ukuthi esesesithenjini from that time. Hailing insults won't change a thing. Umakhwapheni won't go anywhere and the husband won't stop.
Kumnandi ukujola even though ku distroyer ama families
Anonymous user 12 years
cellphones are private gadgets. respect yr hubbys privacy you will live happily in yr marriage. there are no perfect marriages but happy ones are there .
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