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What do you think makes a person African?

13 years ago | 8134 Views

1) Ngoba uzalwa khona 
2)Through ancestral heritage, or
3) our Tradition we keep or 
4)Ngoba abazali bami bezalwa khona, or 
5)ngoba isithupha sami sitsho njalo.....wena uthini

Usaphendula lapho ngibuze njalo do you define ubuntu...yindlela umuntu  akhuluma ngayo , akubingelela ngayo, ziphandla  ozigqokileyo..... wena uthini asikhulumeni bahlobo ngoba mina angisazi manje.........

1 AntizahSoniaKhums


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Anonymous user 13 years
It don't matter where you come from as long as your are a black-man you're an African.
Ubuntu its how you present yourself to the world as a whole, ukwamukela kwakho abanye abantu sonke sikhathi defines Ubuntu bakho.
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