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Jealousy/ umona a disease that cut an individual.....why are we so jealous towards each other.

13 years ago | 14998 Views

ngisakhula ngekhaya ngangisizwa kuthiwa ukuloya kuqala enhlinziyweni. Meaning yonke into iqala ngaphakathi emoyeni before ufaka isenzo. All  we do is within our hearts first. Mina ngithi is both the heart and the mind. Mind over Matter. we have the ability to control what we see, hear, taste or all the five senses. l believe once that is done then the heart is also capable of being  controlled. 

My question now is are you a jealous person?  The answer to that is found within you ever feel uncomfortable ngempumelelo yomunye umuntu na. 

Sometimes we don’t realise that we are jealous toward each other.

 Bheka izenzo zakho, ungazibona ufikelwa  yikuthukuthela towards impumelelo yomunye umuntu then trust me jealous have cripped in. 

why is umona  so much ebantwini.   Mina ngithi yikuba asiselalo uthando towards each other.  l believe love covers  a lot and it is love that makes one to see beyond a brother or sister failures but abilities and success. 

Ngikhule mina kuthiwa ukuphumelela komunye, yikuphumelela kwakho nawe kungabe ngumakhelwane wakho, okanye your own family or distance relative. what they meant was, when one succeed in life certain advantages take place, that person mighty also help you to reach your own dreams taht is if jealous don't come in that individual too or is just a minus of one person depending on you.

 What am trying to  saying bakwethu yikuthi why sivumela umona kithi.

Have you ever seen how jealous have destroyed our humankind, people kill one another because of umona.(uzwe umuntu ethi why kuqale ngaye)

Sengitsho phela lalabo who have worked so hard towards their success, akusabonakali ukusebenza kwabo. The only thing you hear out of a jealous mouth is usezibonakalisa, uzenza ngcono etc.  

A good example i can think of at present is when someone buys a new car, have you head people who say the following.... (instead of giving a well done, usebenzile bantu siyakubongela) uzwa kuthiwa.. ..ngabe ungibuzile before uthenga lemota yakho uyazi, uso and so laye wathenga enje yamnikeza amaproblems or uzwe kuthiwa ngathenge enje instead of this one. Now seriously do i need to report to anyone about my plans on how to spend  my money hmmmm. 

Nothing positive comes from that individual but is all fault finding, with the car or how you should not have spend so much money on a car or i dont think you need one blah blah. When ever Jealousy is involve trust me plots are easy to occur, mina yikho ngisithi kuqala enhlinzinyweni kukhule kuze kube ekwenzeni.  l know that God hate  jealous . let me stop be continued................wena uthini....

3 AntizahSoniaKhums


Comment as Anonymous Submit
Anonymous user 13 years
uyibeka kahle mhlobo.umona uqala enhlizweni uma usubamba ngezandla ubuye utshotshobe ubusuku nemini ungasalali ngempilo yomunye umuntu kuyabe kuqale enhlizweni.umona uzala ubuthakathi ,yikho la konke okuqalela khona.
Anonymous user 11 years
mina ngithi umona uqal'esweni
Anonymous user 6 years
well said vele umona uqala enhliziyweni b4 its put into action
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