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Unconditional Acceptance

13 years ago | 5025 Views
Much Love and Campassion is sent to each and everyone who may read this.
Baningi abantu abazofika empilweni yakho and badlule futhi. Bakhona abazokuthanda bakhona abazokhathala ngawe. But only true friends will leave those footprints empilweni yakho.
- To handle yourself sebenzisa iqondo yakho, but to handle abanye abantu sebenzisa inhliziyo yakho.
- Great minds discuss ideas
- Average minds discuss events
- Small mind discuss people.
God gives every bird enough food but He never throw's into it's nest.
- He who loses money, loses much
- He who loses friend,loses more
- he who loses faith,loses all
Beautiful young people are act of nature, but beautiful old people are works of an art.
Learn from the mistake of others. you can't live long enough to make them all yourself. The tongue weighs practically nothing, but so few people can hold it.

0 AntizahSoniaKhums


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