Udhriiiiiiiiiii (Vibrator and all sexual toys)

Comment by Anonymous user 12 years ago
Can you translate to Shona please, thanks! Read Full Discussion
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Udhriiiiiiiiiii (Vibrator and all sexual toys)

12 years ago | 21858 Views
Ngiyabuza nje....How many of you know about this things..Kusetsheziswa ngubani kuphi and wena how could you feel if ungathola unkosikazi wakho emphethe or athi kuwe baba ngicela ungisebenzisele udhriii Vibrator) nangu ngoba angisuthi.......and wena mama uyomqala kanjani ubaba wanga kwakho ukuba umtshele ngaye or angithi wena baba uthole zona lezo zinto zokudlala ebedroom and ulesifiso sokuba uzisebenzise lowakwakho unyomtshela uthini unkosikazi wakho. 
COuld you consider using those toys or is a no no no kuwe and if uthi yes i will what makes you want to do so and if you say never why not........
How important is uDhriiii (vibrator) vela...
9 AntizahSoniaKhums


Comment as Anonymous Submit
Anonymous user 12 years
I think ukuthola unkosikazi with toys is better than ukumbamba le tshamari, mina ngingambamba, ngingambonga sibili and its a challenge to me ngoba kutsho ukuthi ngilambisa umntanabantu. Kuba kuhle ma lawe ubona ukuthi umntanabantu uyalamba not ukuthi alambe aze ayecela emzini uthole ngomasawa in your wadrobe.
Anonymous user 12 years
ha ha ha uyamubonga!
Anonymous user 12 years
Mina angiboni nkinga kulokho, kungcono kulokuthi angene lamanye amadoda. But izinto ezinjalo zifuna zikhulunywe njalo zivunyelwane ngabantu.
Anonymous user 12 years
ilungile ayilunganga ngo nxa ukurelationship kumele sikhulumisane sibone ukuthi ushota ngaphi,yona nje ingenza indoda izwe angani seyehluleke akwamagcina yilokhu usu phelela kundhriiiiiii. nxa uwedwa angiliboni cala kulokuthi uhambe uzingela umkhuhlane udhriiii uyakuvikela ezintweni
Anonymous user 12 years
Can you translate to Shona please, thanks!
Anonymous user 12 years
shonas not welcome go to newzimbabwe.com
Anonymous user 12 years
control yourself.
Anonymous user 12 years
thats too bad. man do something. especially when you are approching your fifties
Anonymous user 11 years
Udriiiiiiiii yi waste leyo mina ngikhona ngelusile imithambo ivukile induku ithukuthele isigodo uqobo lwaso haayi ahhh udrii kafudumali njengami futhi akagoqozi njengami phecelezi flexibilty manigmthola umama ngingaluphosa ngfithizele kancanekancane slow motion ngimlalele ehayiza ngelincane ngiphuze ukuphoqoza aze aphoqoze yena kuqala ngfunga abako ndlovu Bro Mike
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