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Phakama wenze uyeke ukubalela...isikhathi sihambile or siyahamba

11 years ago | 9561 Views

There are four kind of people in life abangi mangalisayo empilweni .


Silaba bukeli –( watchers- spectators) Ababukeli bezinto zezakala emehlweni abo and hope things will just happen those are just watching things happening or waiting for things to happen. The fun part about them is that they wait and watch so there can have their last saying’s. Baya funa ukuba lemitshado emihle, labantwana abalebheko or lemisebenzi or imali ezikwameni zabo but abezi lutho babhekile  abanye bephakama besenza things ngempilo zabo. Inkinga ngokuhlalela izadla le ngqodo is that you will never know ukuba uNkulunkulu ukubekeleni for impilo yakho. Inkinga yababheki is that their opinion is based on perceptions, e.g when situation rises within your children do you perceive it as a situation that brings you closer to them or a situation that drift you apart.         


Sibe labalindi (waiters) laba yilabana whom waits that things will just happen for them or hope things will happen according to their thinking. There are always ready but never get going and bathi bona kuzitsho zabo (nxa kuyintando kaNkulunkulu- if is Gods will )  eg..God will send me the husband or God will make a way but wait a minute, wena what are you doing to meet the husband or get that job.uyaphuma uyehlanganela labantu na, uyathumela yini lawo maCV emsebenzi.      


Sibe labafisi - wishers) laba yilabana abahlala njalo bafisa ngenkulumo kuphela and labo akukho lutho abalwezayo beside to accomplish everything ngemilomo and if kungaphumelelanga inkulumo iyajika futhi and kubekhona who to blame and in most cases is God, never a fault of the wisher who only claimed but never put it in action.    


And lastly laba ngabasebenzi (workers) these are the one who make things happen for them no matter what is standing in front, side or back they will try and reach it. Lalapho besehluleka bathi bona ngizozama futhi until it works and bayazi ukuba ukuhlalela ingqodo, ukufisa, ukulinda akulethi lutho but kuletha ukwesaba to do or fear of the unknown on starting things, kuletha izondo within self and ukubalisela kwehlisa I confident yakho ungumuntu. Abasebenzi ngabathi yebo angikafinyeleli but am working on it so to get there and with God on my side I will surely soar like an eagle and reach my height.

Wena unguwuphi phakathi kwabo bonke laba and guess what if you are one of the above who is not a worker take a stand and wake up is never too late.

2 AntizahSoniaKhums


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Anonymous user 11 years
sabona wee aunti Zah mina ngiyibobonke obabalileyo, ngiyalinda waiters ngilinde okunngcono kulalokhu englakho, I am watching ukuthi abanye benzani ngempumelelo and lastly I am working trying to get to the top. An advice to whoever cares to listen always make savings even if it's a little as £20 or $20 i teaspoon igcwalisa isaka bro mike madoda
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